
2.5g in 50mL (50mg/mL) vial
Keep Refrigerated


Rapid reversal of anticoagulant effects of dabigatran in life-threatening or uncontrolled bleeding or to facilitate surgery.

Idarucizumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody fragment (Fab) that binds with dabigatran and its metabolites to form a stable inactive complex, reversing their anticoagulant effect.

Medication box with the name Praxbind.


5g (2 x 2.5g vials) IV as two consecutive boluses over 5 mins

Stocking recommendations

Tertiary centre Regional centre Rural centre Remote centre
2 vials 0-2 vials 0 vials 0 vials


The recommendations reflect a pragmatic approach to antidote stocking.


Fact sheet developed by Queensland Poisons Information Centre.

This fact sheet is about the use of these antidotes in Australia, and may not apply to other countries. Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of information, omissions of information, or any actions that may be taken as a consequence of reading this fact sheet.