Plants and mushrooms can cause permanent disability or even death. Others may cause rashes, vomiting or other unpleasant, but not life threatening, reactions.
We’ve included some poisonous plants and mushrooms, however if a poisoning or suspected poisoning occurs contact us on 13 11 26 without delay.
Toxicity categories
Browse poisonous plants and mushrooms by:
African milk bush
Botanical name:
Synadenium grantii -
Botanical name:
Agapanthus praecox -
Botanical name:
Allamanda spp. -
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum)
Botanical name:
Hippeastrum -
Angel's trumpet
Botanical name:
Brugmansia spp. -
Angel's wings
Botanical name:
Caladium spp. -
Arrowhead vine
Botanical name:
Syngonium spp. -
Arum lily
Botanical name:
Zantedeschia aethiopica -
Asparagus fern
Botanical name:
Asparagus spp. -
Bellyache bush
Botanical name:
Jatropha gossypiifolia -
Black bean
Botanical name:
Castanospermum australe -
Blackberry nightshade
Botanical name:
Solanum nigrum, Solanum americanum -
Blue flax lily
Botanical name:
Dianella spp. -
Brazilian nightshade
Botanical name:
Solanum seaforthianum -
Brazilian pepper tree
Botanical name:
Schinus terebinthifolius -
Burrawang palm
Botanical name:
Lepidozamia peroffskyana -
Candelabra cactus
Botanical name:
Euphorbia lactea -
Candle nut
Botanical name:
Aleurites moluccanus -
Castor oil plant
Botanical name:
Ricinus communis -
Chalice vine
Botanical name:
Solandra maxima -
Chenille plant
Botanical name:
Acalypha hispida -
Chilli pepper
Botanical name:
Capsicum frutescens -
Botanical name:
Codiaeum variegatum -
Botanical name:
Symphytum officinale -
Common thornapple
Botanical name:
Datura stramonium -
Botanical name:
Acalypha wilkesiana -
Coral plant
Botanical name:
Jatropha multifida -
Crab's eye
Botanical name:
Abrus precatorius -
Botanical name:
Euphorbia milii -
Botanical name:
Alocasia brisbanensis, Alocasia macrorrhizos -
Botanical name:
Cycas spp. -
Botanical name:
Narcissus spp. -
Desert rose
Botanical name:
Adenium obesum -
Botanical name:
Dieffenbachia spp. -
Botanical name:
Duranta erecta, Duranta repens -
Earth balls
Botanical name:
Scleroderma spp. -
Fishtail palm
Botanical name:
Caryota spp. -
Flamingo flower
Botanical name:
Anthurium andraeanum -
Botanical name:
Digitalis purpurea -
Botanical name:
Plumeria spp. -
Fruit salad plant
Botanical name:
Monstera deliciosa -
Glory lily
Botanical name:
Gloriosa superba -
Green cestrum
Botanical name:
Cestrum parqui -
Green-spored parasol
Botanical name:
Chlorophyllum molybdites -
Grevillea Robyn Gordon
Botanical name:
Grevillea spp. -
Guatemala rhubarb
Botanical name:
Jatropha podagrica -
Hairy thornapple
Botanical name:
Datura metel -
Haymaker's mushroom
Botanical name:
Panaeolina foenisecii -
Botanical name:
Hydrangea macrophylla -
Botanical name:
Phytolacca octandra -
Botanical name:
Iris spp. -
Japanese honeysuckle
Botanical name:
Lonicera japonica -
Japanese wisteria
Botanical name:
Wisteria floribunda, Wisteria sinensis -
Jerusalem cherry
Botanical name:
Solanum pseudocapsicum -
Botanical name:
Lantana camara -
Botanical name:
Mangifera indica -
Milky mangrove
Botanical name:
Excoecaria agallocha -
Naked lady
Botanical name:
Euphorbia tirucalli -
Night blooming jessamine
Botanical name:
Cestrum nocturnum -
Peace lily
Botanical name:
Spathiphyllum spp. -
Botanical name:
Schinus molle -
Periwinkle (pink or white)
Botanical name:
Catharanthus roseus -
Peruvian lily
Botanical name:
Alstroemeria spp. -
Petty spurge
Botanical name:
Euphorbia peplus -
Botanical name:
Philodendron spp. -
Physic nut
Botanical name:
Jatropha curcas -
Pineapple zamia
Botanical name:
Lepidozamia hopei -
Pink oleander
Botanical name:
Nerium oleander -
Botanical name:
Plumbago auriculata -
Plumbago zeylanica
Botanical name:
Plumbago zeylanica -
Botanical name:
Euphorbia pulcherrima -
Botanical name:
Phytolacca americana -
Botanical name:
Epipremnum spp. -
Pride of Madiera
Botanical name:
Echium candicans -
Botanical name:
Primula spp. -
Botanical name:
Ligustrum spp. -
Botanical name:
Rhaphidophora spp. -
Botanical name:
Rheum spp. -
Botanical name:
Toxicodendron succedaneum -
Sea mango
Botanical name:
Cerbera manghas -
Silky oak
Botanical name:
Grevillea robusta -
Botanical name:
Euphorbia leucocephala -
Snow on the mountain
Botanical name:
Euphorbia marginata -
Stinging nettles
Botanical name:
Urtica urens, Urtica incisa -
Stinging tree
Botanical name:
Dendrocnide spp. -
Stinkhorn fungi
Botanical name:
Aseroe rubra, Phallus rubicundus and others -
Sweet pea
Botanical name:
Lathyrus odoratus -
Botanical name:
Colocasia spp. -
Botanical name:
Nicotiana tabacum -
White cedar
Botanical name:
Melia azedarach -
Wild passionfruit
Botanical name:
Passiflora spp. -
Botanical name:
Acokanthera oblongifolia -
Yellow oleander
Botanical name:
Cascabela spp. -
Yellow staining mushroom
Botanical name:
Agaricus xanthodermus,A. placomyces, A. moelleri -
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Botanical name:
Brunfelsia australis -
Botanical name:
Macrozamia spp. -
Zanzibar gem
Botanical name:
Zamioculcas zamiifolia -
Zigzag plant
Botanical name:
Euphorbia tithymaloides
Common name
Sometimes there is more than one common name for a plant or mushroom. We've listed most common names, but there may be ones we haven't.
Common name | Botanical name |
African milk bush | Synadenium grantii |
Agapanthus | Agapanthus praecox |
Allamanda | Allamanda |
Amaryllis | Hippeastrum |
Angel’s trumpet | Brugmansia |
Angel’s wings | Caladium |
Arrowhead vine | Syngonium |
Arum lily | Zantedeschia aethiopica |
Asparagus fern | Asparagus |
Aussie gold | Duranta erecta, Duranta repens |
Common name | Botanical name |
Barbados nut | Jatropha curcas |
Baronne de Rothschild | Codiaeum variegatum |
Be-still tree | Cascabela |
Bead tree | Melia azedarach |
Beefsteak plant | Acalypha wilkesiana |
Bellyache bush | Jatropha gossypiifolia |
Bird pepper | Capsicum frutescens |
Black bean | Castanospermum australe |
Blackberry nightshade | Solanum nigrum, Solanum americanum |
Blind-your-eye | Excoecaria agallocha |
Blue flax lily | Dianella |
Brazilian nightshade | Solanum seaforthianum |
Brazilian pepper tree | Schinus terebinthifolius |
Broad-leaved pepper tree | Schinus terebinthifolius |
Burrawang palm | Lepidozamia peroffskyana |
Bush allamanda | Allamanda |
Bushman's poison | Acokanthera oblongifolia |
Common name | Botanical name |
Caladium | Caladium |
Calla lily | Zantedeschia aethiopica |
Candelabra cactus | Euphorbia lactea |
Candle nut | Aleurites moluccanus |
Cape lilac | Melia azedarach |
Castor bean | Ricinus communis |
Castor oil plant | Ricinus communis |
Ceriman | Monstera deliciosa |
Cestrums | Cestrum parqui |
Chalice vine | Solandra maxima |
Chenille plant | Acalypha hispida |
Chilean cestrum | Cestrum parqui |
Chilli pepper | Capsicum frutescens |
Chinaberry | Melia azedarach |
Clustered fishtail palm | Caryota |
Codiaeum | Codiaeum variegatum |
Comfrey | Symphytum officinale |
Common nightshade | Solanum nigrum, Solanum americanum |
Common thornapple | Datura stramonium |
Cook tree | Cascabela |
Copperleaf | Acalypha wilkesiana |
Coral plant | Jatropha multifida |
Cotton-leaf physic nut | Jatropha gossypiifolia |
Crab's eye | Abrus precatorius |
Crown-of-thorns | Euphorbia milii |
Cunjevoi | Alocasia brisbanensis, Alocasia macrorrhizos |
Curcas bean | Jatropha curcas |
Cycads | Cycas |
Common name | Botanical name |
Daffodils | Narcissus |
Dasheen | Colocasia |
Desert rose | Adenium obesum |
Dicky plant | Cascabela |
Dieffenbachia | Dieffenbachia |
Dumbcane | Dieffenbachia |
Duranta | Duranta erecta, Duranta repens |
Common name | Botanical name |
Earth balls | Scleroderma |
Elephant ears | Colocasia |
Common name | Botanical name |
Fijian fire plant | Acalypha wilkesiana |
Fire bush | Acalypha wilkesiana |
Fishtail palm | Caryota |
Flamingo flower | Anthurium andraeanum |
Flamingo lily | Anthurium andraeanum |
Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea |
Frangipani | Plumeria |
Fruit salad plant | Monstera deliciosa |
Common name | Botanical name |
Geisha girl | Duranta erecta, Duranta repens |
Giant stinging tree | Dendrocnide |
Gidee-gidee | Abrus precatorius |
Gimpie gimpie | Dendrocnide |
Glory lily | Gloriosa superba |
Glossy nightshade | Solanum nigrum, Solanum americanum |
Golden cup | Solandra maxima |
Golden dewdrop | Duranta erecta, Duranta repens |
Golden trumpet | Allamanda |
Goldfinger | Codiaeum variegatum |
Gout plant | Jatropha podagrica |
Gout stick | Jatropha podagrica |
Green cestrum | Cestrum parqui |
Green poisonberry | Cestrum parqui |
Green-spored parasol | Chlorophyllum molybdites |
Grevillea Robyn Gordon | Grevillea |
Guatemala rhubarb | Jatropha podagrica |
Common name | Botanical name |
Hairy thornapple | Datura metel |
Haymaker's mushroom | Panaeolina foenisecii |
Hippeastrum | Hippeastrum |
Hydrangea | Hydrangea macrophylla |
Common name | Botanical name |
Inkweed | Phytolacca octandra |
Iodine bush | Cestrum parqui |
Iris | Iris |
Common name | Botanical name |
Jacob’s coat | Acalypha wilkesiana |
Japanese honeysuckle | Lonicera japonica |
Japanese wax tree | Toxicodendron succedaneum |
Japanese wisteria | Wisteria floribunda, Wisteria sinensis |
Jequirity bean | Abrus precatorius |
Jerusalem cherry | Solanum pseudocapsicum |
Joseph’s Coat | Codiaeum variegatum |
Common name | Botanical name |
Karabil | Melia azedarach |
Common name | Botanical name |
Lady of the night | Cestrum nocturnum |
Lady’s slipper | Euphorbia tithymaloides |
Lantana | Lantana camara |
Lucky nut | Cascabela |
Common name | Botanical name |
Madeira winter cherry | Solanum pseudocapsicum |
Madonna lily | Spathiphyllum |
Malabar tree | Euphorbia tirucalli |
Mango | Mangifera indica |
Milky mangrove | Excoecaria agallocha |
Molle | Schinus molle |
Moreton Bay chestnut | Castanospermum australe |
Mortii | Codiaeum variegatum |
Common name | Botanical name |
Naked lady | Euphorbia tirucalli |
Night blooming jessamine | Cestrum nocturnum |
Norwood beauty | Codiaeum variegatum |
Common name | Botanical name |
Oleander | Nerium oleander |
Oleander rose laurel | Nerium oleander |
Common name | Botanical name |
Palma christi | Ricinus communis |
Peace lily | Spathiphyllum |
Pencil tree | Euphorbia tirucalli |
Pepper tree | Schinus molle |
Pepperina | Schinus molle |
Periwinkle (pink or white) | Catharanthus roseus |
Persian lilac | Melia azedarach |
Peruvian lily | Alstroemeria |
Petty spurge | Euphorbia peplus |
Philodendron | Philodendron |
Physic nut | Jatropha curcas |
Pineapple zamia | Lepidozamia hopei |
Pink allamanda | Allamanda |
Pink oleander | Nerium oleander |
Plumbago | Plumbago auriculata |
Plumbago zeylanica | Plumbago zeylanica |
Poinsettia | Euphorbia pulcherrima |
Poison sumach | Toxicodendron succedaneum |
Pokeweed | Phytolacca americana |
Pothos | Epipremnum |
Precatory bean | Abrus precatorius |
Pride of Madiera | Echium candicans |
Primula | Primula |
Prince of Wales | Codiaeum variegatum |
Princess Mary | Codiaeum variegatum |
Privet | Ligustrum |
Purge nut | Jatropha curcas |
Common name | Botanical name |
Rhaphidophora | Rhaphidophora |
Rhubarb | Rheum |
Rhus | Toxicodendron succedaneum |
River poison tree | Excoecaria agallocha |
Rosary pea | Abrus precatorius |
Rosary tree | Melia azedarach |
Common name | Botanical name |
Sago palm | Cycas |
Scarlet Rhus | Toxicodendron succedaneum |
Sea mango | Cerbera manghas |
Sheena’s gold | Duranta erecta, Duranta repens |
Silky oak | Grevillea robusta |
Sky flower | Duranta erecta, Duranta repens |
Slipper flower | Euphorbia tithymaloides |
Snow-on-the-mountain | Euphorbia marginata |
Snowflake | Euphorbia leucocephala |
Snows of Kilimanjaro | Euphorbia leucocephala |
Solitary fishtail palm | Caryota |
Stinging nettles | Urtica urens, Urtica incisa |
Stinging trees | Dendrocnide |
Stinkhorn fungi | Aseroe rubra, Phallus rubicundus and others |
Sumach | Toxicodendron succedaneum |
Sweet pea | Lathyrus odoratus |
Swiss-cheese plant | Monstera deliciosa |
Syngonium | Syngonium |
Common name | Botanical name |
Tail flower | Anthurium andraeanum |
Taro | Colocasia |
Tartan | Codiaeum variegatum |
Tobacco | Nicotiana tabacum |
Tree datura | Brugmansia |
Tree zamia | Cycas |
Trumpet flower | Solandra maxima |
Tulip cedar | Melia azedarach |
Common name | Botanical name |
Wax tree | Toxicodendron succedaneum |
White arum lily | Zantedeschia aethiopica |
White butterfly | Syngonium |
White cedar | Melia azedarach |
White oleander | Nerium oleander |
Wild passionfruit | Passiflora |
Wild pineapple | Macrozamia |
Willow-leaved jessamine | Cestrum parqui |
Winter cherry | Solanum pseudocapsicum |
Wintersweet | Acokanthera oblongifolia |
Common name | Botanical name |
Yellow allamanda | Allamanda |
Yellow oleander | Cascabela |
Yellow staining mushroom | Agaricus xanthodermus, Agaricus placomyces, Agaricus moelleri |
Yesterday, today and tomorrow | Brunfelsia australis |
Common name | Botanical name |
Zamia | Macrozamia |
Zanzibar gem | Zamioculcas zamiifolia |
Zigzag plant | Euphorbia tithymaloides |
Browse by botanical name
Botanical name | Common name |
Abrus precatorius | Crab’s eye, Gidee-gidee, Jequirity bean, Precatory bean, Rosary pea |
Acalypha hispida | Chenille plant |
Acalypha wilkesiana | Copperleaf, Jacob’s coat, Beefsteak plant, Fire bush, Fijian fire plant |
Acokanthera oblongifolia | Wintersweet, Bushman’s poison |
Adenium obesum | Desert rose |
Agapanthus praecox | Agapanthus |
Agaricus moelleri | Yellow staining mushroom |
Agaricus placomyces | Yellow staining mushroom |
Agaricus xanthodermus | Yellow staining mushroom |
Aleurites moluccanus | Candle nut |
Allamanda | Yellow allamanda, Golden trumpet, Bush allamanda, Pink allamanda |
Alocasia brisbanensis, Alocasia macrorrhizos | Cunjevoi |
Alstroemeria | Peruvian lily |
Anthurium andraeanum | Flamingo flower, Flamingo lily, Tail flower |
Aseroe rubra, Phallus rubicundus and others | Stinkhorn fungi |
Asparagus | Asparagus fern |
Botanical name | Common name |
Brugmansia | Angel’s trumpet, Tree datura |
Brunfelsia australis | Yesterday, today and tomorrow |
Botanical name | Common name |
Caladium | Caladium, Angel's wings |
Capsicum frutescens | Bird pepper, Chilli pepper |
Caryota | Fishtail palm, Solitary fishtail palm, Clustered fishtail palm |
Cascabela | Be-still tree, Cook tree, Dicky plant, Lucky nut, Yellow oleander |
Castanospermum australe | Black bean, Moreton Bay chestnut |
Catharanthus roseus | Periwinkle (pink or white) |
Cerbera manghas | Sea mango |
Cestrum nocturnum | Lady of the night, Night blooming jessamine |
Cestrum parqui | Cestrums, Chilean cestrum, Green cestrum, Green poisonberry, Iodine bush, Willow-leaved jessamine |
Chlorophyllum molybdites | Green-spored parasol |
Codiaeum variegatum | Baronne de Rothschild, Codiaeum, Goldfinger, Joseph’s Coat, Mortii, Norwood beauty, Prince of Wales, Princess Mary, Tartan |
Colocasia | Dasheen, Elephant ears, Taro |
Cycas | Cycads, Sago palm, Tree zamia |
Botanical name | Common name |
Datura metel | Hairy thornapple |
Datura stramonium | Common thornapple |
Dendrocnide | Giant stinging tree, Gimpie gimpie, Stinging trees |
Dianella | Blue flax lily |
Dieffenbachia | Dieffenbachia, Dumbcane |
Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove |
Duranta erecta, Duranta repens | Aussie gold, Duranta, Geisha girl, Golden dewdrop, Sheena’s gold, Sky flower |
Botanical name | Common name |
Echium candicans | Pride of Madiera |
Epipremnum | Pothos |
Euphorbia lactea | Candelabra cactus |
Euphorbia leucocephala | Snowflake, Snows of Kilimanjaro |
Euphorbia marginata | Snow-on-the-mountain |
Euphorbia milii | Crown-of-thorns |
Euphorbia peplus | Petty spurge |
Euphorbia pulcherrima | Poinsettia |
Euphorbia tirucalli | Malabar tree, Naked lady, Pencil tree |
Euphorbia tithymaloides | Lady’s slipper, Slipper flower, Zigzag plant |
Excoecaria agallocha | Blind-your-eye, Milky mangrove, River poison tree |
Botanical name | Common name |
Gloriosa superba | Glory lilly |
Grevillea | Grevillea Robyn Gordon |
Grevillea robusta | Silky oak |
Botanical name | Common name |
Hippeastrum | Amaryllis, Hippeastrum |
Hydrangea macrophylla | Hydrangea |
Botanical name | Common name |
Iris | Iris |
Botanical name | Common name |
Jatropha curcas | Barbados nut, Curcas bean, Physic nut, Purge nut |
Jatropha gossypiifolia | Bellyache bush, Cotton-leaf physic nut |
Jatropha multifida | Coral plant |
Jatropha podagrica | Gout plant, Gout stick, Guatemala rhubarb |
Botanical name | Common name |
Lantana camara | Lantana |
Lathyrus odoratus | Sweet pea |
Lepidozamia hopei | Pineapple zamia |
Lepidozamia peroffskyana | Burrawang palm |
Ligustrum | Privet |
Lonicera japonica | Japanese honeysuckle |
Botanical name | Common name |
Macrozamia | Wild pineapple, Zamia |
Mangifera indica | Mango |
Melia azedarach | Bead tree, Cape lilac, Chinaberry, Karabil, Persian lilac, Rosary tree, Tulip cedar, White cedar |
Monstera deliciosa | Ceriman, Fruit salad plant, Swiss-cheese plant |
Botanical name | Common name |
Narcissus | Daffodils |
Nerium oleander | Oleander, Oleander rose laurel, Pink oleander, White oleander |
Nicotiana tabacum | Tobacco |
Botanical name | Common name |
Panaeolina foenisecii | Haymaker's mushroom |
Passiflora | Wild passionfruit |
Philodendron | Philodendron |
Phytolacca americana | Pokeweed |
Phytolacca octandra | Inkweed |
Plumbago auriculata | Plumbago |
Plumbago zeylanica | Plumbago zeylanica |
Plumeria | Frangipani |
Primula | Primula |
Botanical name | Common name |
Rhaphidophora | Rhaphidophora |
Rheum | Rhubarb |
Ricinus communis | Castor bean, Castor oil plant, Palma christi |
Botanical name | Common name |
Schinus molle | Molle, Pepper tree, Pepperina |
Schinus terebinthifolius | Brazilian pepper tree, Broad-leaved pepper tree |
Scleroderma | Earth balls |
Solandra maxima | Chalice vine, Golden cup, Trumpet flower |
Solanum nigrum, Solanum americanum | Blackberry nightshade, Common nightshade, Glossy nightshade |
Solanum pseudocapsicum | Jerusalem cherry, Madeira winter cherry, Winter cherry |
Solanum seaforthianum | Brazilian nightshade |
Spathiphyllum | Madonna lily, Peace lily |
Symphytum officinale | Comfrey |
Synadenium grantii | African milk bush |
Syngonium | Arrowhead vine, Syngonium, White butterfly |
Botanical name | Common name |
Toxicodendron succedaneum | Japanese wax tree, Poison sumach, Rhus, Scarlet Rhus, Sumach, Wax tree |
Botanical name | Common name |
Urtica urens, Urtica incisa | Stinging nettles |
Botanical name | Common name |
Wisteria floribunda, Wisteria sinensis | Japanese wisteria |
Botanical name | Common name |
Zamioculcas zamiifolia | Zanzibar gem |
Zantedeschia aethiopica | Calla lily, White arum lily, Arum lily |