For all eye exposures rinse the eye with water for 15 minutes and then seek urgent medical assistance.
This plant is a perennial herb or shrub to 2m tall, often cultivated for culinary use or as an ornamental.
The flowers are white with a purple tinge, and grouped in the forks of leaves. The flower stalks are 1-1.5cm long. The leaves are alternate, elliptic with a smooth margin.
Chewing or ingestion of fruit may cause a burning sensation of the tongue and mouth, usually harmless. The sap may be irritating to eyes and skin. Skin contact may result in a superficial patch redness.

Common name: Chilli pepper
Botanical name: Capsicum frutescens
Other common names: Bird pepper
Family: Solanaceae
General description: This plant is a perennial herb or shrub to 2m tall, often cultivated for culinary use or as an ornamental.
Flowers: The flowers are white with a purple tinge, and grouped in the forks of leaves. The flower stalks are 1-1.5cm long.
Leaves: The leaves are alternate, elliptic with a smooth margin.
Fruit/Berries: The fruit are narrow, conical or elliptical, 1-1.5cm long and 0.5cm wide. They are red, orange or yellow at maturity, and contain numerous pale, flattened seeds.
Other: The sap is clear.