A popular ornamental shrub to 4m high, often cultivated as a hedge.
The flowers are blue, purple or white, grouped together on spikes 4–9cm long arising from the leaf axils. The leaves are green, gold or variegated.
If eaten, the fruit can cause gastro-intestinal irritation, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Common name: Duranta
Botanical name: Duranta erecta, Duranta repens
Other common names: Golden dewdrop, Sky flower, Sheena’s gold, Aussie gold, Geisha girl
Family: Verbenaceae
General description: A popular ornamental shrub to 4m high, often cultivated as a hedge.
Flowers: The flowers are blue, purple or white, grouped together on spikes 4–9cm long arising from the leaf axils.
Leaves: The leaves are green, gold or variegated.
Fruit/Berries: The fruit are orange or yellow, about 6mm in diameter, with one hard seed in the centre.
Other: The sap is clear. Spines occur on the stems of older plants.