Seek urgent medical attention for all ingestions.
An ornamental evergreen shrub to 4m tall.
The flowers are tubular, greenish-white to cream coloured, about 2.5cm long, and are clustered in the axil of leaves. The flowers are very fragrant at night.
The leaves are shiny, 10-20cm long and about 3cm wide, and have an unpleasant odour when crushed.
All parts of the plant are toxic, especially the fruit, and can cause elevated temperature, rapid pulse, excess salivation and gastritis. The nocturnal fragrance can cause difficulty in breathing, irritation of the nose and throat, sneezing, intense headache, nausea and dizziness. Respiratory symptoms have also been reported from close proximity to the flowers.

Common name: Night blooming jessamine
Botanical name: Cestrum nocturnum
Other common names: Lady of the Night
Family: Solanaceae
General description: An ornamental evergreen shrub to 4m tall.
Flowers: The flowers are tubular, greenish-white to cream coloured, about 2.5cm long, and are clustered in the axil of leaves. The flowers are very fragrant at night.
Leaves: The leaves are shiny, 10-20cm long and about 3cm wide, and have an unpleasant odour when crushed.
Fruit/Berries: The fruit are globular berries, green when immature, and black when ripe.
Other: The sap is clear.